Eka Jaya Nagara

Software Engineer

Eka Jaya Nagara is a Software Engineer at Softwarehouse. Eka is passionate Codes and Backend Development. He loves to Otomotif & code web. For further inquiries, Eka can be reached through the following E-mail: ekabersinar@gmail.com

As a backend developer with expertise in Laravel, I bring a robust skill set to web development. Proficient in PHP and Laravel, I have successfully designed and optimized database schemas, developed RESTful services, and seamlessly integrated backend functionalities with various JavaScript frameworks for efficient frontend collaboration. My experience includes API development, version control using Git, and a commitment to writing unit tests for secure and scalable applications. With a keen focus on performance optimization. I prioritize clear and comprehensive documentation and am dedicated to staying updated on the latest Laravel developments, showcasing a commitment to continuous learning in the dynamic field of web development.